Monday, September 23, 2013

.fancy napkin on instagram.

yep, i've finally entered into the realm of a real[-ish] blogger. i got an iphone and instagram all in one day. and my gosh! what have i been waiting for?! instagram has quickly enveloped all my free time this last week and i am completely enamoured!!!
what a great way to show our simple day-to-day details and i can't wait to look back on them a year from now and reminisce.
here's what my first week on on instagram looked like. 
me and the boy, just hanging out together at home. how i'll miss these moments, just the two of us, when i head back to work || melissa and bryan's amazing wedding invitation and my happy mail day. we leave in a month to san diego for these festivities and cannot wait! || this boy and that hair. jack freshly napped and wanting out. he just looked so darn cute that momma just had to snap a picture!
|| outfit-of-the-day, aka: ootd. loving my new mustard jeans and camo sweater [found in the men's department] || me and this boy at oliver's first birthday picnic. he's just my favourite || announcing our win for the h&m fashion family contest. we'll be in the december issue of today's parent magazine!!!
|| sunday brunching with my two favourite people || three ikea prints that found their way to our house || out with some fabulous ladies for gilly + rob's engagement party

and if you want to follow along on a daily basis, you can find me under [or just click here!]


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